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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Find The Most Cached Database In The Buffer Cache - The DMV Way

The Most Cached Database In The Buffer Cache
While there are many ways and criteria to find out what database is the most used, under optimized, trouble maker etc....., here is one more to find out the database/s using the most buffer cache.

CASE database_id   
        WHEN 32767 THEN 'ResourceDb'   
        ELSE db_name(database_id)   
        END AS database_name,
COUNT(*)AS cached_pages_count,
COUNT(*) / 128 / 1024 AS cache_size_gb
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors  
GROUP BY DB_NAME(database_id) ,database_id  
ORDER BY cached_pages_count DESC; 

Here is the results I got on one of the production SQL Servers. 

Lucky for me, it turned out to be an extreme case. Now I knew where I should focus optimization efforts or even if that database belongs with rest of the databases on that same server.

I have tested this query for SQL 2008 (SP3) and up.

Hope you find this useful.