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Friday, June 28, 2019

Powershell script to find SQL Server instances on remote servers

Powershell script to find SQL Server instances on remote servers
This is regarding finding the SQL Server database services/instances on remote computers, not any other SQL Server components like SSRS, SSIS, Full-Text services etc. maybe installed there...

But, first, if you are just interested in looking up SQL Server services (i.e., database instances) on a single remote computer, you can simply use this PowerShell one-liner:

Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from win32_service where PathName like '%%sqlservr.exe%%'" -ComputerName "SQLSERVERVM1"

This is actually part 2 of a process I am creating to automatically discover SQL Server instances in an Active Directory domain, more specifically, new SQL Server  instances added to any existing server or on newly installed servers.  The process is supposed to be for organizations with very large number of computers where you don't want to scan the entire AD everyday to see if any new SQL Servers are installed.

The idea is to:
  • Get list of all servers in the AD and store the results in to a SQL table
  • Get servers with SQL Server installed and store the results into a SQL table
  • Compare the list with the previous list and send a report to DBAs

You can find the part 1 of this blog series at the following link:

I will be using the CSV file (new_servers.csv) generated by the PowerShell script mentioned in the above post. You can also create your own text/CSV file with list of servers in it, with Name as the name of the first column, it could be the only column in it.

In below PowerShell script all I am doing is to check if the remote servers have sql server instance Winodws services setup and their current status. I am not checking yet whether I have access to them or what version of sql servers these instances are running. That will be in the next post in this series!

Additionally, in this post I am also inserting the collected information into a sql staging table.

The powershell script to find SQL Server instances on remote servers:


This powershell script uses WMI to connect to the each server and 
check windows services that matches %%sqlservr.exe%% pattern.
Therefore in order for this to work you would need to have access 
to the servers otherwise it will throw Access Denied errors. 
However since I am getting the list of servers to check from a CSV, 
it will continue on to the next server after the errors.

At the end it displays list of servers it successfully connected 
to and a separate list where it errored out.

It also exports the list of sql instances it discovered to a CSV file.

By default it uses the connected users credentials.
Though, there is option ($user variable) to specify a different 
credentials (Windows).  The password field is in plain text so 
I am not a big fan of it.

(Get-Date).ToString() + ": Begin" 

        $user = ""           # Should be in Domain\UserName format
        $pass = ""

        if ($user -eq "") { $user = $Null}

        # If user/pass pair is provided, authenticate it against the domain
        if ($user-ne $Null)
            "Authenticating user $user against AD domain"
            $domain = $user.Split("{\}")[0] 
            $domainObj = "LDAP://" + (Get-ADDomain $domain).DNSRoot 
            $domainBind = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($domainObj,$user,$pass)
            $domainDN = $domainBind.distinguishedName 
            "domain DN: " + $domainDN
            # Abort completely if the user authentication failed for some reason
            If ($domainDN -eq $Null) 
                       "Please check the password and ensure the user exists and is enabled in domain: $domain"
                       throw "Error authenticating the user: $user"
            else {"The account $user successfully authenticated against the domain: $domain"}

            $passWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $pass -AsPlainText -Force
            $credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $user, $passWord

        $csv_file_name = "new_servers.csv"
        $CSVData = Import-CSV $csv_file_name
        $export_file_name = "sql_server_instances.csv"
        $csv_row_count = $CSVData.Count
        (Get-Date).ToString() + ": Total rows in the CSV file: " + $csv_row_count
        $servers = $CSVData.DNSHostName

        $SqlInstancesList = @()
        $ErrorServers = @()
        # iterate through each server and search for sql services on them

        foreach($server in $servers) 


            "Searching for SQL Server DB services on: $server"

                If (-Not (Test-Connection -ComputerName $server -Count 2 -Quiet))
                    {Throw "Invalid Computer Name: $server"}

                If ($user-ne $Null)
                   {$SqlServices = Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from win32_service where PathName like '%%sqlservr.exe%%'"  -credential $credentials  -ComputerName $server -ErrorAction Continue}
                   {$SqlServices = Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from win32_service where PathName like '%%sqlservr.exe%%'"  -ComputerName $server -ErrorAction Continue}
                $SqlInstancesList += $SqlServices
                "Number of SQL instances found on $server : " + $SqlInstancesList.Count | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green
                # even though error occured, it will continue to the next server
                $em = $_.Exception.Message
                "Skipping $server because an error encountered ($em):" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow
                $ErrorServers += $server + " (" + $em + ")"

        # if there were any errors with any of the servers, print off names of those servers along with the error message/reason
        if ($ErrorServers.Count -gt 0)
                "Error when looking up SQL Instances on following servers:"  | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red

        "EXPORTING TO FILE: $export_file_name"
        $SqlInstancesList | select-object -Property PSComputerName, @{n="SqlInstance";e={$_.Name -replace "MSSQL\$", ""}}, Name, ProcessID, StartMode, State, Status, ExitCode, PathName | Export-CSV $export_file_name -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

        "SQL Instances Found:" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green

        Import-Csv -Encoding UTF8 -Path $export_file_name | ft -AutoSize
        (Get-Date).ToString() + ": Complete" 
    (Get-Date).ToString() + ": Error Occurred" 

PowerShell script to load the collected information into sql table:


This too uses the connected users credentials to connect to 
sql server instance.

Since I am loading data into a staging table, this first 
truncates that table then loads the data into it.


<# Since the following script doesn't do error checking
   Lets make sure it stops if an error occurs with any
   of the commands. #>

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
(Get-Date).ToString() + ": Begin Loading data into sql staging table" 

$sql_instance_name = 'SQLVM01\SQL2016AG01' 
$db_name = 'AdminDBA'
$destination_schema_name = 'dbo'
$destination_table_name = 'sql_server_instances_stage'
$export_file_name = 'sql_server_instances.csv'

# Create the destination SQL table if doesn't already exist
$sql_create_table = "
USE [$db_name]
If object_id('$destination_schema_name.$destination_table_name', 'U') is null

CREATE TABLE [$destination_schema_name].[$destination_table_name](
 [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
 [PSComputerName] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [ServiceName] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [InstanceName] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [PathName] [varchar](1500) NULL,
 [ExitCode] [int] NULL,
 [ProcessID] [int] NULL,
 [StartMode] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [State] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [Status] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [InsertedDate] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT GETDATE()

"Create destination table:"

invoke-sqlcmd -Database $db_name -Query $sql_create_table -serverinstance $sql_instance_name

$truncate_table_command = "truncate table [$destination_schema_name].[$destination_table_name]"
"Truncate table command: " + $truncate_table_command
invoke-sqlcmd -Database $db_name -Query $truncate_table_command -serverinstance $sql_instance_name

$SqlServices = Import-Csv -Encoding UTF8 -Path $export_file_name
foreach ($sqlservice in $SqlServices)
                    $PSComputerName      = $SqlService.PSComputerName
                    $Name                = $SqlService.Name
                    $SqlInstance         = $SqlService.SqlInstance
                    $PathName            = $SqlService.PathName
                    $ExitCode            = $SqlService.ExitCode
                    $ProcessID           = $SqlService.ProcessID
                    $StartMode           = $SqlService.StartMode
                    $State               = $SqlService.State
                    $Status              = $SqlService.Status

$insert_query = "INSERT INTO [$destination_schema_name].[$destination_table_name]" + " (PSComputerName,ServiceName, InstanceName,PathName,ExitCode,ProcessID,StartMode,State,Status)
          VALUES ('$PSComputerName','$Name','$SqlInstance','$PathName','$ExitCode','$ProcessID','$StartMode','$State','$Status')" 

"SQL Insert Statement: $insert_query"
$execute_query = invoke-sqlcmd -Database $db_name -Query $insert_query  -serverinstance $sql_instance_name

$select_query = "select count(*) rcount from " + $destination_table_name 
$rcount = invoke-sqlcmd -Database $db_name -Query $select_query -serverinstance $sql_instance_name -As DataTables
"Number of records inserted into sql table: " + $rcount[0].rcount
(Get-Date).ToString() + ": Complete Loading data into sql staging table" 

SQL Script to create the dbo.sql_server_instances_stage table:

USE [AdminDBA]
if object_id('sql_server_instances_stage', 'U') is not null
drop table [sql_server_instances_stage]

CREATE TABLE [sql_server_instances_stage](
 [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
 [PSComputerName] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [ServiceName] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [InstanceName] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [PathName] [varchar](1500) NULL,
 [ExitCode] [int] NULL,
 [ProcessID] [int] NULL,
 [StartMode] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [State] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [Status] [varchar](500) NULL,
 [InsertedDate] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT GETDATE()