"Can you please let us know which databases reside on the server below, Server1?"
First thought in mind, well from what particular sql instance on that server? It was our general practice to install multiple instances on a server. But at that moment I was not even sure if that server has multiple instance, is it a stand alone sever or a node/virtual name of a cluster server, alwayson cluster etc...
But, I kept that thought to myself.
Now, I could launch SSMS, connect to the sql instance and view the list databases displayed in the Object Explorer or, query the sys.databases and get the requested information.
But I don't know the instance name top of my head. So I would need to RDP into the server or look up the meta data somewhere else, like maybe a spreadsheet with database inventory, assuming its up to date.
Instead of that, I decide to launch the Powershell and issue this command:
Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from win32_service `
where PathName like '%%sqlservr.exe%%'" `
-ComputerName "Server1"
Note: To run the above Get-WmiObject, you will need to have the Local Administrator access on the target computer.
It has only one sql instance, great.
Then I issued the following command to grab the databases on that list and send him the results.
Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance Server1
Then I issued the following command to grab the databases on that list and send him the results.
Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance Server1
OR - To search for a specific pattern in the database name:
Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance Server1 | Where-Object {$_.Name -like '*report*'}
That last Get-SqlDatabase command requires the SqlServer module loaded, which I already have in my powershell startup.
Import-Module -Name SqlServer
But to add bit more value to this blog, I decided to turn this into a small PowerShell script.
The PowerShell variable $server_name is where you specify the server name where you would like to look up database names. If that value is not specified, it will use the local computer name.
Note: The script assumes that you are using Windows Authentication to connect to SQL Server and have necessary permissions to query the SQL metadata.
The PowerShell variable $server_name is where you specify the server name where you would like to look up database names. If that value is not specified, it will use the local computer name.
try { Import-Module -Name SqlServer -ErrorAction Stop $server_name = "Server1" # SERVER/HOST NAME HERE $database_name = "admin" # NAME OF THE DATABASE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEARCH OTHERWISE LEAVE THIS BLANK $exact_match = "N" # WHETHER TO SEARCH FOR AN EXACT DATABASE NAME $logfile = "$env:TEMP\logfile_" + (Get-Date).toString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".txt" "Start Time: " + (Get-Date) | Out-File -Append $logFile "Log: $logfile" | Out-File -Append $logFile "" | Out-File -Append $logFile "Server: $server_name" | Out-File -Append $logFile "Database: $database_name" | Out-File -Append $logFile "Exact Match: $exact_match" | Out-File -Append $logFile "" | Out-File -Append $logFile if ($server_name -eq "" -or $server_name -eq $null) { $server_name = $env:computername } $sql_services = Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from win32_service where PathName like '%%sqlservr.exe%%'" -ComputerName "$server_name" -ErrorAction Stop foreach ($sql_service in $sql_services) { $instance_name = $sql_service.Name -replace "MSSQL\$", "" if ($sql_service.State -eq "Running") { $sql_connection = if ($instance_name -eq "MSSQLSERVER") { $sql_service.PSComputerName } else { $sql_service.PSComputerName + "\" + $instance_name } if ($database_name -eq "") { Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance $sql_connection | FT Parent, Name, Owner, ReadOnly, RecoveryModel, Size, Status, UserAccess } else { if ($exact_match -eq "Y") { Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance $sql_connection | Where-Object {$_.name -eq $database_name} | FT Parent, Name, Owner, ReadOnly, RecoveryModel, Size, Status, UserAccess } else { Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance $sql_connection | Where-Object {$_.name -like "*$database_name*"} | FT Parent, Name, Owner, ReadOnly, RecoveryModel, Size, Status, UserAccess } } } else { "Skipping $sql_connection as it's not running..." | Out-File -Append $logFile } } "" | Out-File -Append $logFile "Completion Time: " + (Get-Date) | Out-File -Append $logFile } Catch { $errorMessage = (Get-Date).ToString() + ": Error Occurred - " + $_.Exception.Message $errorMessage | Out-File -Append $logFile throw } "# Launch the notepad.exe to view the log file" "notepad.exe $logfile"
Download this PowerShell script from GitHub at:
I have conducted some initial testing on this script, but it has not undergone extensive or thorough testing. Additionally, I have not tested it on SQL servers hosted on Linux platforms. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate your feedback. If you decide to test this script, please feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions for enhancements, or point out any errors or issues you encounter.