I needed to make a comprehensive list of such databases in order to clean up old databases and prep old/existing environment and migrate and consolidate them into a new sql server infrastructure.
So I wrote this DMV query to obtain when a database was last accessed for a user query as well as those that were left OFFLINE but never removed.
I executed this against CMS / Multi Server query an whoa within few seconds I had the complete list or rather a preliminary list for my intended purpose.
Couple things to note first:
1. I only tested and ran this against SQL versions 2008 and up.
2. It uses a global temp table and removes when done
Hope you find this use and please feel free to leave comments/feedback/suggestions for further improvement.
/* By an orphan database, I mean a database that no one is using anymore, essentially the users and apps
using this database either migrated to a different,
possibly upgraded copy of this database or
simply retired.
Such databases can be a good candidate for taking them offline and decommission. */ SET nocount ON SET TRANSACTION isolation level READ uncommitted USE master go IF Object_id('tempdb..##t_dba_db_last_access_stats') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##t_dba_db_last_access_stats go DECLARE @db_activity_since INT SET @db_activity_since = 90 -- days IF Object_id('tempdb..##t_dba_db_last_access_stats') IS NULL CREATE TABLE ##t_dba_db_last_access_stats ( db_name NVARCHAR(256), db_status NVARCHAR(256), last_user_seek DATETIME, last_user_scan DATETIME, last_user_lookup DATETIME, last_user_update DATETIME ) go EXEC Sp_msforeachdb ' use [?] if db_id() > 4 begin insert into ##t_dba_db_last_access_stats SELECT DB_NAME() db_name, CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(DB_NAME(), ''Updateability'') AS NVARCHAR(256)) db_status, last_user_seek = MAX(last_user_seek), last_user_scan = MAX(last_user_scan), last_user_lookup = MAX(last_user_lookup), last_user_update = MAX(last_user_update) FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats AS i WHERE i.database_id = DB_ID() AND OBJECTPROPERTY(i.object_id, ''ismsshipped'') != 1 end ' SELECT Getdate() [current_time], @@servername sql_instance, (SELECT crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE NAME = 'tempdb') sql_instance_up_since, db_name, db_status, Max(last_accessed_date) last_accessed FROM ##t_dba_db_last_access_stats a UNPIVOT ( last_accessed_date FOR last_accessed_for IN (last_user_seek, last_user_scan, last_user_lookup, last_user_update ) ) AS last_accessed GROUP BY db_name, db_status UNION ALL -- Lets also grab list of OFFLINE databases SELECT Getdate() [current_time], @@servername sql_instance, (SELECT crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE NAME = 'tempdb') sql_instance_up_since, NAME db_name, Cast(Databasepropertyex(NAME, 'status') AS VARCHAR(50)) db_status, NULL last_accessed FROM sysdatabases WHERE NAME NOT IN ( 'master', 'model', 'msdb', 'tempdb' ) AND Cast(Databasepropertyex(NAME, 'status') AS VARCHAR(50)) = 'OFFLINE' ORDER BY db_name IF Object_id('##t_dba_db_last_access_stats') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##t_dba_db_last_access_stats go
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